About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


These three sestinas were written collaboratively, with each student contributing one or more lines (in Mrs. Van Zytveld's class, the students requested that each adult add a line as well, including Cassie who was on a site visit, and a student teacher...)

Mrs. Van Zytveld's Class

The Story of My Life
by Room 303

Today my mom had a bad voice
and when she turned
she said “I’m one of the biggest planets!”
Today at school my class acted like animals.
I don’t know what to do about sense.
I see a tiger that is curved

I see car that is curved.
I was screaming and I think I lost my voice.
Some people don’t have any common sense
and one day my mom was driving and was talking and made a bad turn.
My mom was yelling like a big animal.
I live on a planet.

Jupiter is my favorite planet.
I see a pig’s tail curve
and on a farm I see lots of animals.
I hear high voices.
Right now Mr. Eric skipped my turn.
I see someone’s sense

and my hearing is my strongest sense.
I see the planet
in the sky and I am uncertain which way it turns.
As strange as it may seem the world still curves
and speaks with an oceanic voice.
I see a crazy animal

that ate the T-Rex animal.
I have one for planet but not for sense.
There are too many voices.
Mercury is the first planet.
I can see Mercury around the sun curving.
I see the car twisting and turning.

I was playing on the sidewalk and I saw a car turn
and it hit an animal.
My grandma came over to my house to use the bathroom and she had to make a curve.
I don’t make sense.
Pluto is a dwarf planet
and so is my voice.

When I was in the car the car slipped and turned and now I sense
an animal and it left my big planet.
As I curve I hear a voice.

Ms. Otero's Class

The Awkward Poem
a sestina by Room 304

I heard voices
skip a turn
and sing on the planet.
I saw an animal
making sense.
I turned around a curve

and around the city it looks like a curve.
I heard brother’s sleeping voice
and his sense
when I made a turn.
There was a sleeping animal
on a planet.

It was a dark planet
that was shaped like a curve.
I saw a black animal.
Everyone has a voice.
There was a Martian that made a turn
and it made no sense

but I wish it made sense.
Crazy planets
they just turn
with a loud “curve”
and there was a loud voice.
There are lots of animals

and I hear talking animals.
Animals can use their senses.
I hear a gibbering voice.
There was a crazy, giant Martian seal bouncing the planet.
Everyone on the planet fell off the curve.
He made a wild turn,

a massive turn.
Everyone fell off the planet except for the animals.
The cats fell off the curve
and there was no sense.
Jupiter is a HUGE planet.
The mouse had a squeaky voice.

The car turned in the wrong direction and it made no sense.
The car hit an animal on another planet.
The man had a curvy voice.

Mrs. Garay's Class

Voice Turn Planet Animal Sense Curve
by Room 305

A low voice
takes a turn
around the planet.
The voice was from an animal
and it made no sense.
The animal curved

and when the animal curved
it had a swervy voice.
Then it made sense.
Then around the corner the animal turned.
But then a loud voice comes from the animal!
The big red planet

is a destroyed planet.
The red planet Mars will be one of the last to make a curve.
It’s a big and nasty animal!
It has a nasty voice
and makes a turn.
It has a weird sense,

it made nonsense.
Jupiter is a ringed planet.
Planets turn
and curve.
But it was the loud voice
of the animal

that was heard by the other animals
and it made a loud noise with sense.
A sucker-free voice
shook the planet
and made it make an immense curve
but then it decided to make a turn.

And then the immense turn
was chased by a swimming animal.
The animal liked to curve
then it used its five different senses.
Then it smelled the planet
and it got a sore voice.

It’s my turn? It makes no sense.
That animal lived on a weird planet.
I curve my voice.

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